With over ten years of experience in graphics, Maya joined Meridiano in 2016. A graphic design graduate with a master’s degree from IED (European Design Institute), Maya is the creative figure which adds completeness and vivaciousness to the team. A welcoming smile, she brings imagination and flexibility...

With over 10 years of extensive experience in the sectors of architecture and interior design, Fabio joined Meridiano in 2017, contributing his know-how and expertise in retail, branding and commercial design. The company’s clients now enjoy the benefits of his creativity and close attention to...

Giulia is the youngest member of our team. After completing a Master in Event Management in London she has gain over 4 years of experience in the sector, specializing in the medical sector and in Institutional relations. Funny, spontaneous and very energetic, Giulia is always ready...

Claudia joined the team in 2018. With over 10 years of experience as event manager and convention services director, she is specialized in incoming services and conference organization in the medical sector. After 4 years working in London, Claudia joined the most important Italian congress...

With over 10 years of experience in the events field, Valeria joined the team in 2017. Expert in conferences in the medical sector, CME events and sports events, she is specialized at 360 ° in organizational secretarial services. Valeria is always ready to respond to customer...

With more than 7 years seniority in the congress sector, where she has worked for important multinational companies, Giorgia joined Meridiano in 2016. She oversees the incentive events and the organizational secretariat services for the medical-pharmaceutical and technology sector. She is self-confident, positive and very energetic...

David worked as project manager in international organisations before moving into event management in 2009. He has been part of the Meridiano team for more than 5 years where he has specialized in organizational secretariat services for medical-scientific congresses and corporate events. David manages each challenge...

Following extensive experience as case worker, Denise began dealing with event management in 2005 and joined the Meridiano team in 2010. Expert in services dedicated to Italian delegations abroad, Denise has been organised important international congresses for many years, dealing with Italian delegates on behalf of...

She joined the event management in 2005 and initially dealt with the organization of important events in the public administration sectors before specializing in the pharmaceutical sector. In 2010 she joined the Meridiano team where she deals with the Organizational Secretariat for the medical-scientific sector...

Concetta is specialized in Organisational Secretariat services and Incentive programs for the medical-pharmaceutical and banking sector. Following extensive experience in the field of events which began thirty years ago, she joined the Meridiano team in 2010. In her long professional career, Concetta has developed an in-depth...